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Meet the Dirty Dames


If Ron Swanson was a woman reading romance novels, he would be Birdie. Home Depot inventory-memorizer, meat-lover, crafter, opinionated on pretty much everything, Birdie couldn't even get through the first five pages of 50 Shades of Gray due to "poor writing". She wrote the New York Times a letter telling them they should be ashamed of their "Best-Sellers" list for allowing that garbage to be on there. Yet here she is: A new mom, looking to spend some time doing something more entertaining than the daily grind...she's the poster-child for "mommy porn", but don't tell her that.


The self appointed resident smut slut of the group, Joey first fell down the rabbit hole after watching a morning show that was talking about a group of books dubbed as "mommy porn". After a weekend of binging all three books, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and only sleeping sitting up while drooling, she was hooked. Even though many years later Joey's tastes in reading choices are still questionable, she has only ever DNF'd 3 books. Yes, she is a bit of a masochist. Even though she will let any book lay in her bed with her, she is mainly drawn to romantasy, romantic suspense and pretty much anything that includes an alpha male (one of her personal 7 deadly sins). Maybe if you play nice, she will show you her many MANY questionable choices listed in goodreads!




Lexx is a connoisseur of Nerd Culture. Her brain is an open browser with 75 active tabs and several hidden pop-up windows blaring everything 1990s anime to the current regeneration of Doctor Who. Her nerd party trick is she can give you designations of the clones from Star Wars. Sorry to disappoint, no she does not speak Klingon (yet). Until her college days, Lexxx’s romance taste swung towards Penguin Regency Romance. Then, she met Anne Rice’s original Sleeping Beauty Trilogy. It was all down hill from there. Her dirty, little not-so-secret addiction: Fan Fiction. The more rare the ship, the better. After being on AO3 for over 10 years, nothing seems out of bounds anymore. The quiet snicker you hear off to the side while Joey and Birdie are loudly debating, that would be Lexx.

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